C: Street markets are where we buy all of our fresh veggies. Lots of familiar things, most I'd say, then every once in a while a mysterious item comes into season and finds its way to the market. We experiment, most of the time successfully. The one thing we've agreed on, cause P generally likes EVERYTHING, but we both dislike, detest, gag at the sight of- gooseberries. Has anyone tried one? They are bitter and sour and astringent- people generally dip them in a mix of salt, sugar and chilies. Funny little detail, but most things, fruit included, are green even when ripe. Our bananas and oranges are all green on the outside but sweet and delicious on the inside. Its a funny mind trick.
P: I also really like the way veggies are displayed. Something about it.
C:I agree, beautifully abundant and organized. But, one time, I saw a dog lift his leg and piss all over some cilantro. The stands are all at about knee height and there are so many free roaming dogs... beware, or just wash before eating. The stand owners don't seem to really give a #$^%.
P: C'mon is just a little dog pee. Very nutritious.
Dog pee is nutritious. Yay dog pee!