C: Our first night out at a shi shi night spot in Thamel (the super touristy part of town) where I typically dread going because of all the tourists and the street vendors stopping you in each moment to sell you the same trinket that the previous store owner just tried to push on you. We ate super good Korean food and lounged. This is what shi shi looks like in Nepal.
P: Thamel can truly be extremely exhausting. The hassle is incessant. But it is also where most of the nightlife actually takes place. So this night we actually came to see our friend and fellow Fulbrighter Robert. He's an ethnomusicologist and a great clarinet player, and after a few weeks of staying in Kathmandu he was already playing around town!!!

P: C took a picture of me while taking the picture below...

P: Something about certain angles of this city are beginning to remind me of my birthcity, Rome. It is not that it looks the same, but it ... resonates with it.

C: That neon drink of mine is indeed a mountain dew. Thought they only sold those at nascar racetracks in the south. Ha.
P: Doing my first coast to coast I lived on the Dew and beef jerky. Mhhhhh....

C: This is a standard scene for Kathmandu- colorful, crowded, unfinished, finished, dogs, bike, motorcycle, earth, sky. This is one of my favorite pictures that we've taken here so far.
P: I like this pic a lot too. In fact, it is our blog title image... It has been since the beginning. This simply means that today in blog time we have finally caught up with when the blog was started, which means that in real time we're hell of in the future, you know what I mean?