P: Look at us! I have never felt like this before. This is really crazy.
C: Optimism in our hearts. (I can see already that I'll be taking a more sarcastic tone for this blog. Like I always say- I am the bitter to Piero's sweet.) But really, together we can do anything.

C: Cultural factoid: good luck charm of the Germans- the pig. My mom gave me this pig the day we left, her Glück Schwein. My heart melted, my eyes swelled with tears- it was her way of protecting us somehow, and when I think of it now, it makes me want to strangle her with all my love. Now we are protected by the collective force of German "witchcraft." Look how cute he is, how could you feel any fear with him on your side.
P: JAAA, with the german "vich Kraft" we fear none.

P: Which one is the piggy?
C: I already know I'm your good luck charm P. (Mom, look how happy he's making me- it works, it really works!)
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